Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy Twenty Eleven!

It's a new year.  Yay.  2010 wasn't too bad for me really.  The only truly bad thing that comes to mind was the unexpected loss of my uncle.  Granted, that was horrible, but compared to some of the struggles others went through in 2010, that's not too bad. 
On to 2011 though!  This will be the year...  of something.  haha, seriously, this will be the year I run a 5K.  At least one, maybe two, or even three.  (Let's not get ahead of ourselves though!)  That was part one of my resolution.  Part two was TO GET OUT OF DEBT!  Enough already!  Back in 2009 we did The Year Without, we did really, really great that year & paid off a ton of debt.  Then we relaxed way too much in 2010 & didn't finish the goal of being debt free.  Curse us!  Oh well, 2011 is the year!  Hopefully this summer we will be able to say we're debt free [but the house]!  We have my car loan (yes, that un-did The Year Without, oops!), which will be paid off in the next couple of months.  (Might I add, I got my car at the end of May, so we didn't do that bad.)  We also still have my pesky college loans.  Those will follow right behind the car & that will make us debt free!!  Yay!  Hopefully we'll be able to celebrate by having a fun vacation in the fall.  I still have to work on the man for that one.  Kasen has been blessed by being able to take a cool vacation every year of his life so far though, so I hate to change that.  It's all about him you know!

Changes for 2011 include a monthly meal plan for us, to help reduce the grocery bill & to reduce my after work "what am I gonna fix for dinner" stress.  I hope to get a regular work out plan in place, including the elliptical & weights at the gym (maybe I'll take up swimming at some point too, we'll see), and then 3 days of running outside of the gym.  Hopefully we'll be able to get some good off-road bike rides in this spring/summer/fall.  We didn't ride much in 2010 & I missed it.  I also hope to get several weekend/long weekend camping trips in this year & try to be a little more nature/outdoors oriented in things we do with Kasen, since he's getting old enough to stay out of perilous danger (or so I hope).

Now that we've got all that "it's a new year" crap out of the way...  BRING ON TWENTY ELEVEN!  Happy New Year to all of you!

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