I'll admit it, I wasn't too excited to meet up with a group to run today. I was a bit intimidated & pretty sure I wouldn't enjoy myself. I just knew I'd be slower than everyone & someone would feel obligated to run with me, which would make me feel awful 'cause I'd always rather run alone than have someone slow down for me. I also knew most of the people were quite experienced & I'm still pretty new to all this running stuff, so it was just intimidating because when is it not intimidating to be the "newbie" in a group?
But, I went. I was up at 4:45am, forcing myself to eat when all I really wanted to do was sleep some more. I hydrated, loaded the car up, and picked up Denya (of course! ;)). We met up with everyone & we were all on the track around 6am. I, of course, started off to strong & Lesley told me to pull back so I didn't poop out. I remember telling her I'd poop out when I wanted. That was my this-already-sucks-so-I'm-just-trying-to-get-through-this-alive response. I did start losing steam around 2.25 though, and pulled back. Of course, I was going for 7, so it wasn't a good thing that I already needed to pull back, but it was what it was. Although it wasn't especially hot (yet) or humid, my chest was heavy, and I was having a hard time breathing. Luckily, I discovered that Holly was my perfect running companion (and I'm a bit sad she won't be around the next 2 long runs I have!). We ran at the same pace, wanted to break for quick walks at the same time, and we both seem to have a hard time keeping a steady pace. She was the perfect partner for my run! We slowed from the rest of the group & walked a bit here & there. Eventually :p we both hit 7 & Holly had to leave. I knew Denya was going for 11, so I headed back up the track, since I had time to kill. I walked a bit to regain my strength, then I started running. It was a good run, I felt strong (and numb, which is such a nice feeling!) & I was hitting about an 11:15 min/mile pace without even realizing it. I hit another mile (8?!), walked about .25, then ran just over another .5 before I walked in a final .25. That made 9 miles. NINE MILES. 2 over my plan for the day. I have NO idea how I did, or how I was feeling so great after those 9, but it was a huge confidence boost. I'd say I'm ready to register for the half now. Well, once I get over the cost... ;)