Sunday, July 24, 2011

How far I've come so far.

Eight months ago, on November 14th, 2010, I started running.  I started with the Couch to 5K program, and I could hardly manage to make it through the 60 second of jogging.  It was so horrible & I just knew I was going to die.  Or puke up my dinner.  Or, possibly, both.  
Eventually, I gave up the C25K program because it just wasn't the right program for me.  I never could get in a good groove with it & it annoyed me more than it helped me.  Also, with the holidays all thrown in there, then a whole bunch of snow (well "whole bunch" for Texas), I get off the schedule.  So, I started just running as far as I could, for as long as I could, stopping when I felt like I couldn't move another inch.  Finally, on March 23rd, just over 4 months after I started the craziness, I ran 5K for the first time without walking.  It took me a while to make it to 5K, but I was happy that I finally had made it.  Of course, 2 weeks later I hit a horse (or, it hit me, whatever).  Left with a broken vertebrae, I was benched for about 6 weeks.  Once I was cleared to run again, it was like starting from nothing all over again.  Running SUCKED.  
As hard as it was to get back into the swing of running, I had a moment of insanity a couple of weeks later & I asked the fabulous Lesley at Racing it Off to write up a training schedule for me, so I'd be ready for a half marathon in September.  I'm still not completely sold on my ability to do 13.1 miles.  13.1 - ACK!  I'm sticking with the schedule though, and eventually I may even actually register for the half.  Maybe.  Possibly.  ...most likely.
Since that first full run of a 5K, I have run just shy of 110 miles.  I know that's nothing compared to well-seasoned runners (considering that was 4 months ago, even calling it 2.5 months ago when I take out my time off makes it not such a big deal), but when I stop & see how far I've come I consider it pretty amazing.  It hasn't gotten easier to run, and I'm not sure I can call it any more fun that it was to begin with, but my self confidence & pride continue to grow with every run.  The good feeling I feel after my runs continues to get more & more...  good!

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