There's lots I don't know, I know that much. That's about all I know & what I don't know is bugging me. I am an over-planner who likes to know what to expect before it happens. (Just ask any doctor or nurse who has had the pleasure of my requests for all the possible scenarios/types of pain/extremes of pain before I let them touch me!)
I've learned two things so far that have blown my mind & I know there's lots more - what? What am I missing still? Surely these are the two most mind boggling. Surely.
1) I had no idea that people actually completely marathons with poo running down their legs - ewwww! Sheesh, until recently I didn't even realize that running made you need to poo. Why wouldn't you stop & handle that though? I can almost get it for the person in first place, but outside of that - is a PR worth THAT??? While we're at it: peeing yourself - unintentionally - I can get. I've had a kid, I know what happens to the bladder walls (hmmm, are they wall?). Peeing yourself on purpose though? Ick. It doesn't take that long to pee, people!
2) It's normal to not wear underwear when you run. What? Really? hmmmm, perhaps that poo problem would be more contained if you did... ~giggle~ I can get that kinda, I mean they do start falling or riding up or just generally bugging you, but I'm not sure I'm ready to give them up just yet. I mean, doesn't that cause some chaffing?
So, if you're reading this [hello??? anyone out there???], please share more secrets I need to know.
1. Poop happens, but the scenario of the accident is not common. Runners do, in general, stop to poop. But when your body is heavily fatigued and your blood is going to the muscles you are using and away from everything else, there is less control in other places... even your ability to think goes downhill. Pee is another story, and yes, that is common... especially in triathletes. I've been there, done that. For the most part all you have is the water you're drinking going through you. But many many stop to per and there are usually potties at every water stop, but yes, it can take awhile, cause there's usually a line, not to mention when you stop suddenly like that on heavily fatigued muscles, your legs go nuts and start to cramp and get tight.
2. I wear underwear unless they are built in, which they are on most running shorts. But most people wear cotton underwear which are not good when coupled with endurance running... they don't wick the moisture, so you get chafing, and you are usually cold because you are soaking, not to mention your poor skin suffers. If you buy moisture-wicking undies, they can cost $20 a pair. I reserve them for my long runs and suffer in my cotton on short days.
You will chafe! At some point in your life, you will do it, regardless if you think you will or not. Glide and Vaseline became my best friends.
Ditto to the moisture wicking undies! Invest in them and you will not regret it. Same goes with the socks, too. Your feet will thank you later for it.
Nevermind all of the ways and tricks you come up with while on your period! YIKES! To struggle with both incontinence and bleeding! :(
Runners are gross, but once you get past the hygiene portion and accept that every running around you is like that, then you are fine. I'll be honest, there were long runs where I had to stop in the bushes to go and was grateful that I carried toilet paper in my little pack. Yes, it was added weight, but I was glad to have it! And I have had to use my water to douse myself for cleanliness because I didn't want to smell like urine. Thank goodness for fabric that not only wicks, but dries quickly!
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