Saturday, February 19, 2011

Almost a month of anti-running.

I keep beating myself up on my inability to run for long periods w/out having to walk.
I keep feeling discouraged that some days I walk more of my mileage than I run.
I keep thinking I'll never be able to do this running thing well.
I remember that I just started this!
January 24th is what I'm calling my "first" day of running.  Yes, I did attempt the C25K back in November, but I failed miserably & accomplished nothing.  So, we'll just pretend I didn't do that.  ;)  On 1/24/11, I ran 2.88 miles in 47 minutes (16:16 mile/minute average).  That's not great for a runner...  but for me, the anti-runner, that was awesome!  It was awesome because I did it.  That was all that mattered that day - that I did it. 
Tomorrow will mark the 4th week of running for me.  Even though I may not be able to run even 1.5 miles straight yet, I need to stop beating myself up, feeling discouraged, & thinking I will never be able to do this.  It has ONLY been 1 month.  When I remind myself of that...  Well, I'm really not doing so bad, am I?
I've added a new tab: "mileage" to track my progress.  At one day short of 1 month into this, I've covered 28 miles.  That's 28 miles more than I ever thought I'd run.  That, my friends, is an accomplishment!

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