Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm Out. :(

No running for 2 more weeks.  Heels to Hills is in 3.  How much does that suck?  A. LOT.  I'm sure I'll be able to do a 5K after a 3 week break, but not at the pace I would be able to do it if I didn't have to take this break.  Plus, I'm just assuming my back will be pain free in 2 weeks.  It's entirely possible that it won't be.  Then, what do I do???
Oh, did I mention...  I have a crack in a vertebra from the wreck I was in a couple of weeks ago.  I did run a few times that week, AND I ran 8 miles last week...  So, in theory, it should be no big deal to do the 5K after 2 weeks off.  Buuuuut, the pain started several days after that 8 miler.  Ugh!  Just when I was getting into the swing of things.  Just as I was learning to (shhhhhhh!) really enjoy running.  Suck.

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