Monday, April 30, 2012

The night that wouldn't end... or begin?

I love bloggers that use funny images to tell their not-so-funny-to-them-but-hilarious-to-us stories.  (Especially like Crappy Pictures, and another blog that I can't think of right now...  pregnancy brain & all.  :p)  So, here's my version of how my night went last night.   (Click on them to make them larger if you must, but, I'm really no artist, so you aren't missing anything in the details.)

After a long night Saturday night, then a wonderful, but tiring baby shower, I came home & felt the need to wash ALL the new baby stuff.  Of course.  By 11:15pm I was beyond exhausted & ready to crash!

11:35pm - Just as I was about to drift off....
Why must my son cry out every night?  Don't get me wrong, I feel sorry for the guy...  but he's 4.5 & I'm insanely pregnant.  Mommy needs a break!

I got him back to sleep, did a few things, since I was up again, and then got back in bed.
Only to be greeted with...
1:15am - "MMMMOOOOOMMMYYYYY!!", and more crying.  Still, no idea why.
This time he was more upset, but I got him back to sleep, had a potty break for myself (remember, I'm insanely pregnant), and climbed back in bed.

Then!  2;30am - I hear a car rumbling outside.  It's not a normal time for a car to be outside & we had a problem with cars being broken into a few weeks ago, so I had to get up & look to see what was going on.  I saw nothing.  *sigh*

Back in bed, and just drifting off, when...
3:00am - THE DOG BROKE OUT OF HER PIN.  Really??  Really.

I got her back in her pin, almost fell asleep, and...  
3:15am - SHE WAS BACK AGAIN.  I did consider driving her to a field & dropping her off.  But, as much as I wanted sleep, I'm not that heartless.  ;)  (Don't call PETA!)

3:25am - With the dog pinned in AGAIN, another potty break for me, and my body beyond exhausted, I climb back in bed, trying desperately not to cry, but I couldn't help it.  At least the hubby woke up enough to hold my hand, it really did help.

I couldn't really fall asleep, I was just too tired...  but I was also too tired to even move.  
3:35am - I hear BOTH dogs in our room.  I'm pretty sure I grumbled some things I won't repeat now...  
But the hubby took over & redid their pin so they wouldn't be able to get out again.

...and now that I've made my cartoons & told this much of the story, I remember that the 2nd dog visit was both of the dogs & the 3rd was just the mastermind.  Whatever...  the point remains - my dogs SUCK!  :p

Finally, I was able to get a couple of hours of sleep in!
6:30am - I hear the shower, then the hair dryer.  I swear the hubby was drying his hair for 30 minutes.  Seriously.  (I'm sure it was just 5, but the sound just would. not. stop.)

 I must've kinda drifted off again, 'cause when I rolled back over I saw it was 7am.  Time to get up & start the day...  and sure enough the wee one was waking up just about then.  Yay.

Happy Monday y'all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LMAO I LOVE the little arrow showing how dh was still asleep... I love crappy picture posts ;) sorry you didn't get sleep though that SUCKS!