Monday, September 19, 2011

Is a half marathon really a big deal???

When I started training for a half marathon, 13.1 miles sounded both amazing & pretty much impossible. Somewhere along my training path though, I lost the awe.  Granted, I also lost the impossible, but still!  Now, I feel like it's JUST 13.1 miles. How did that happen?! 
When I started my journey to 13.1, I wanted one of those stickers for my car. You know, the oval that says "13.1". I was once amazed by those stickers & thought that if I could ever accomplish a half, then surely I would have earned it!  Now, I feel a but silly to consider buying one... Maybe when I accomplish 26.2, one day, but for 13.1?  Eh.  
I am completely shocked at who I have become during this crazy running journey.  Once upon a time 6 miles (okay, honestly, 3 miles!) scared me & now, 13 feels like no big deal - just another Sunday long run day.
While feeling a lack of inspiration about my pending half marathon this weekend (remember, it's just 13.1!), I was watching the weather channel & the anchor was taking about a triathlon that was cut to a duathlon this weekend because the weather was too bad for the swimming. When he commented about the "5K run & 27 mile bike ride", he said something about that being more than enough & then that 27 miles was a long enough bike ride for his entire lifetime. As he was saying that, I was thinking of how I'd be annoyed by 27 miles & would need to go ahead & make it 30 miles. 30 miles is no big deal to me, yet it's enough (or more than enough!) for some people to accumulate in a lifetime.
I get it!
It's all perspective, eh?
As I train, things get easier & sound less & less crazy (like, for instance, how I'm toying with the idea of a full marathon. What?!  Who said that?), but, to others the things I'm doing still sound impossible. 
It IS an accomplishment to finish a half marathon. It IS kind of a big deal. 
A few months ago I was in awe of people who could accomplish a half (or, heck, a 10K!).  I need to slow down enough to remember that I have accomplished something. Something most people never even attempt. Something most people find amazing, not just "another Sunday long run". Actually, most people don't even have a Sunday long run.  (Really?  Most people DON'T wake up long before the sun, just to run?!)  I deserve that sticker & the pride that comes with it!  If I decide I want it that is.  I may go ahead & hold out for a 26.2.  ...maybe.


Anonymous said...

13.1 is still a long ways. Even to those of us who have done a full marathon... and those of us who have plans to go even further. I still think 13.1 is a long way to run. It's always an accomplishment. I still think it's my favorite distance. Long enough that you feel accomplished, short enough that the training isn't back-breaking. (And if it's *just* 13.1, then set up a different goal, like a time goal... if you're pushing your pace for that 13.1, it won't feel like *just* 13.1, it'll feel like you really put yourself out there on race day. ;-) )

Mrs. Bianca said...

Best of luck on race day! :) I'm so proud of your journey and grateful I've been able to read all about it!