When I thought about starting another blog, I wasn't exactly sure what it should be about. I did know that I liked the name "The Family Fuel", and I considered it being my new cooking blog (as I felt my previous one needed to be renamed for personal reasons)... but these days I feel like I have less & less time for cooking. So, I took the blogger name & just left the blog to sit & collect dust.
Until tonight. I had an epiphany *I* am The Family Fuel. I am what makes my family run. While we all have our role to play, I am what keeps the family running every day (as are almost all moms). So, I decided, I'd make this a random blog about me & my journey into, well, everything. To kick this off, let me share the craziness that is me. I'm a working mom (35 hours a week at a desk with 8+ hours a week commuting & lots of other time fretting over work-related things). I'm a mother to a very spirited & super smart 3 year old boy. I'm co-owner of a jewelry business (Pink Fish Designs). I'm a degreed chef (that make me official, right?), although my job has absolutely nothing to do with cooking. I attempt (often failing) to be a social butterfly. I run a local park review blog (DFW Parks & Playgrounds). I'm a maid, a chauffeur, a laundry attendant, a dish washer, a short-order cook, a daughter, a sister, a wife... I wear a lot of hats. As if that weren't enough, just this week I decided to become a runner.
I hate running. No, no, no. I despise running. I always have. In high school I played volleyball & softball & had a [very] short stint on the track team (not running, of course). During all those years & all those workouts & games I did everything in my power NOT to run. Any excuse I could find, I used. Yo-yos, sprints, laps, even running to 1st base... NOT. MY. THING. Give me a bike & I'll ride 30 miles. Give me my feet & I'll walk 1 mile & complain the whole time. I don't run. Here I am though, trying to become a runner. Seriously folks, I wouldn't make that up. I mean, who would, right? I've heard so many people say so many good things about the Couch to 5k program that I decided it was time for me to try. I have no real goal set at this point. I'd love to say that I aspire to run a marathon, right now though, I'd be happy to run the block w/out feeling like I'm gonna puke up all of my most recent meal. I figure if I can stick with the program & accomplish the program's goal of running 30 minutes straight (which should be 5k-ish), then anyone can do it.
So, today was the day I dove completely into the running, making it officially official by buying [gasp] running shoes. I had my son with me, which is never ideal, but he was being such an angel today that I thought surely it would be no big deal to take him shoe shopping. So, to Run On we went!
((I pause now to apologize to the poor girl, Liz, who was helping me & to everyone else in the store.))
I took my shoes off, bent my knees, took a short walk, then a mini jog, Liz measured both of my feet, then disappeared into the back. My son wanted to follow her. Even the new app I'd downloaded for him wasn't entertainment enough, that back room just had to be something special. He stayed out of the back though, & wasn't getting into too much trouble, as my shoes made their way to my feet. Wow. What a difference the right shoe makes! It was time to test them out. It wouldn't have been too bad if it weren't for the fact that Liz instructed me to take a jog around the store. When an active 3 year old, such as my darling son, sees his mommy jogging around a store, it's like the angels begin to sing. RUN ('cause to a 3 year old jogging = running)? In a store? YESSSSSSS! I could hear his little head processing, but I thought surely we'd be okay. sigh The first jog was fine. Liz had picked out some great shoes & I was getting the feel for the 2 pairs I had on. The second jog around the store was a bit more chaotic, as I tried to actually test the shoes while stopping every 2 seconds to be sure that my spawn didn't cause me to buy the whole store. double sigh Alas, Liz had found me the perfect pair & just as we were discussing the $10 socks I was about to buy (hush!), my pride & joy took off for a sprint around the store. Weaving in & out of racks & somehow managing not to knock over everything in his path (thank you!), he was not about to be caught by me. ...until he was. After being sure he understood the err of his ways & apologizing to Liz, we paid for our stuff & high-tailed it out of there. ...off to the park I promised to visit as a treat for putting up with my errand running, only to have the boy pass out cold just as I pulled up to the park. Figures. What a day!
Oh, what did I get? Some comfy New Balance 1226s. For the first time in my life I bought a shoe based on the feel, not to look ('cause, yeah, I usually require PINK in my shoes, not blue).

1 comment:
The perfect shoes really do make a difference. Change your shoes, change your life, right? Go get it girl! Oh, and you can always throw on some pink shoelaces for fun. :D
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