My 1 week running break break became a full month. :o
I have SO. MUCH. going on right now that I think my body is just completely worn out. The amount of stress & the length of the to-do list has definitely gotten the best of me. I start out plenty of days with the intention of running, but by the time I get home & do all the stuff I need to there, I just want to crawl in bed & call it a day. I also don't really have anyone to run with me anymore & that makes it a lot less fun (plus I'm not committed to a time/place since no-one else is waiting on me to join them). I do enjoy running no matter if it's with people or alone, but it's just not the same running alone after you get used to having someone beside you for every mile. I really do wish I had a treadmill because I think would have found a way to find the time & energy if it was staring me in the face every day. All the wishing in the world won't make it appear in my living room though, so it's time to get outside & run again!
I committed to at least 5 miles a week every week that I could manage, & I'm not sure how I got off that track, since it was an easy one. I did a 5K on Sunday (a really fun one! - The Color Run), so I've got 3.1 in for the week already. Tonight, I'm hoping I have the energy to get at least 2 more miles in. Then, I just need to stay on track. I CAN do this... right???